
Rabbi Simon Jacobson
Head of the Meaningful Life Center and author of the best-selling book, Toward a Meaningful Life

Shifra Hendrie
Spiritual Life Coach, teacher of authentic Kabbalah and your host for this event

Originally Aired on Sunday, March 21, 2010

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The Kabbalah of Passover is a project of Gate of Unity, whose mission is to transform our world through illuminating the minds, hearts, souls and lives of people around the globe with the Divine wisdom of authentic Kabbalah.

Kabbalah tells us that we are currently in the midst of a cosmic process of shift and expansion, known as Geula, that brings with it an enormous expansion in human potential as we move toward a new, vastly more illuminated world. Authentic Kabbalah is a part of the Blueprint for Creation, the ancient Jewish mystical tradition, and is also known as the Secrets of the Torah. Today, its wisdom is available for all of humanity, as the spiritual remedy that will revive our inner being and help us thrive through these tumultuous and transformational times.

I am proud to present to you this unique and powerful class, From Slavery to Freedom: The Journey of the Soul.